Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why I'm Writing

(My favorite portrait)

Gods and Mortals,

My name is Athena, daughter of Zeus. I am the Goddess of Justice, War, and Wisdom to name only a few. Blogging has never really been my thing, as I find it more of an activity for mortal men then for those who inhabit Olympus. However due to recent events, I have found it paramount to record what is happening on the mortal world.

I am a goddess, and I am the daughter of Zeus, but I care for the mortals who serve us. Unlike my father and my brothers, I find that people are worth protecting. That is why I have begun aiding Odysseus, a hero from Ithaca. He served in the Trojan War, and though a great hero, has had serious trouble returning home. Fate has turned against him and my brother Poseidon has certainly done everything in his power to slow his journey. In fact, if Poseidon had his way, I imagine the hero would be dead.

I don’t know exactly what I shall do, but I must do something. My brothers and father are angry that I have a liking for humans, but I can’t help it. They treat the mortals as if they are slaves, that they do not understand the concepts of free will and intelligence. But my father is so wrong! These people do exercise free will, and they are intelligent. They use their intelligence to build great monuments and temples for us, yet my father continues to neglect them. The ruler must care for those who he rules, and if my father will not care for them, I will.

Though I must be careful; as a goddess I cannot become too directly involved in the mortal world. I will need to disguise myself, as my godly form would blind the common man. Even if they did see me, could you imagine the controversy it would cause? The gods cannot be seen taken sides with mortals, or our level of impartiality when it comes to justice would be destroyed. So, I shall help Odysseus but only in small ways. I will do what I can, and I pray that that will be enough.

But, I feel for the poor man. All he wants to do is return home to his wife who dearly misses him, yet for 10 years he has been forced away from his home. His poor wife waiting for the day he will return, or the day where she will receive news of his death. It often seems that the world is very unfair, and that the good are constantly trampled over the evil. I have lucky enough to be born into a life of supreme power and privilege, and if I can do anything in my life let me be able to amend and better the lives of others.  Let it be known to all that read my blog that I will aid Odysseus in his journey, and I will make sure he returns home. After all, I am the goddess of heroic endeavor.

-          Pallas Athena

1 comment:

  1. Oh Athena, daughter of Zeus, goddess of war and strength. Thank you so much for protecting Odysseus. Everyone in Ithaca has been mourning his loss and it is such a relief to know that he is still alive, walking this Earth because of you! Wow, blogging is awesome isn't it? I found out that my husband is alive, and I am talking to a god! Great! Just yesterday, I (with the help of a few suitors) slaughtered two goats, one for you and another for your father. Enjoy! Please send Odysseus home quickly! Telemachus too! I miss my boys!
    <3 Penelope
