Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome Back!

To my Fellow Friends and Creatures of Various Sorts,

As the Greek goddess of wisdom, arts and crafts, spinning and weaving, and textiles, I strongly believe that I am superior to all other gods and goddesses except Zeus.  I respect Zeus deeply because he is my father, and he respects me since he has informed me that I am his favorite child.  I am the only child of Zeus who is allowed to access his thunderbolts and carry his shield at any time.  As for the other gods and goddesses, I think that they should be disregarded entirely.  No other god or goddess is as wise as me, or is as powerful as my father.

I believe that I am well respected by my people, but not by my fellow gods and goddesses.  People seek me whenever they need help in making the right (and ultimately wise) decision.  However, the gods and goddesses (disregarding my father) believe that I am just the daughter of the most powerful god, Zeus, and am therefore unimportant.  I am most certainly not unimportant!

Being the daughter of Zeus is the second-most important role in Greek mythology.  Suppose the other gods and goddesses know this.  They may declare that I am not important, but internally they may think otherwise.  It is common knowledge that I play a powerful role in Greek society.  I guess what I am saying is that I think the gods and goddesses who do not respect me are plainly and simply jealous of me.  It angers me that they have a sense of jealousy towards me, but I just have to accept this as fact.  So in actuality, they do not think that I am inferior to them in any way – they are just envious for the goddess I am.

In fact, just recently I helped a wonderful but extremely self-centered and overly emotional man named Odysseus return to his homeland, Ithaca, after being thrown off track by Poseidon.  I was the chosen one out of all the gods to help Odysseus return home!  Obviously, I must have some common sense and importance, otherwise I would have not been chosen, let alone been successful in returning Odysseus home.

Speaking of Poseidon, I believe he is the worst of all gods and goddesses, maybe even worse than Hades, the god of the underworld.  He is so overblown in his language, and he does everything he can to make other gods, goddesses, and people feel bad.  Though he often claims that he was not the cause of distress, he most certainly is.  It is his nature.  He was born like that.  Sometimes, you have to do everything you can to avoid these gods, goddesses, or people.  If your nature is good, and you carry yourself in a strong fashion, with pride, you will be better respected than someone who does not show these traits.  The people notice this, but the gods and goddesses see through this, because they know better.  I want everyone to have a solid foundation of the goddess I really am since I believe that my powers are underestimated.

Keep checking my blog – new updates will be coming soon!


Pallas Athena <3


  1. OMG! Like thank you so much Athena!! I'm like... SO. greatful you sent Odysseus home. You are totes like, the best goddess ever. I'm going to go get all my annoying suitors to slaughter some goats for you and your father. And could you like, possibly tell Poseidon to like, back off my husband? Thanks. I totally agree that he's like the worst god ever. So. Rude. And it would be like, sooooo appreciated if you could send my son Telemachus home soon as well. Thanks times a mill! I’m so glad all the other gods picked you to take care of Odysseus! They’re like… so awesome for picking you. Thanks again!


  2. Hey Penelope!

    How are you?!? I am flattered by how you feel about me. And you would slaughter a goat in my honor? Now that is how everyone should treat me! Also, I will do everything in my power to prevent Poseidon from harming you. Way back when I was a young girl, Poseidon had this feeling that he must always be better than me. He still thinks that and we have been in a constant battle ever since. I will win that battle someday, you just watch me! And your son will be returning home soooooo soon – don’t worry! I have just decided to separate your son and husband’s departures to Ithaca in order to trick Poseidon into thinking that your son is dead and that he will never return home. I have everything under control!

    Your idol,
    Pallas Athena <3
